Twin-flame relationships are different from any other relationship you will ever have. If you ever do meet your twin-flame, you will be reuniting with the other half of your soul. This is different from finding your soulmate. We all have soulmates on this earth (unless we are entirely new souls on our first incarnation). These will be people we have known and loved in previous lives. Sometimes they are people we have hated as well. But we have always loved them at some point. Twin-flames are different. When we incarnate, we split into two halves. This is so half of us can act as spirit guide to the other. However, as we draw near the end of the birth-rebirth cycle, we incarnate together. This is to prepare the soul for the end of the cycle when awakening is reached, and peace is eternal.

1) He (or she) will come into your life when the last thing on your mind is a new relationship. You may be married or in a steady relationship. You may be happy being single, or sworn off romantic relationships for ever. Whatever the situation, you will not be looking. This is why you will never meet your twin flame on a dating app.
2) The attraction will be instant and overwhelming although the communication won’t be. A twin-flame relationship is characterised by fear. The irresistible power of the other person will be terrifying to the ego, which will fear annihilation. Only when this fear is transcended can the twin flame couple begin the first stage of their union.
3) At the point at which the twin-flame couple is closest and at their most intensely loving, one side will suddenly disappear. This is usually the male but it can occasionally be the female. The runner will not have an explanation for his behaviour, it will seem like a compulsion. There is a very significant spiritual reason for this dynamic though. The twin-flame couple will need to fully surrender to the greater will of the universe before ascended. This enforced separation will motivate surrender as the only way of reuniting on earth.
Affordable love readings online can help guide you in the twin-flame dynamic effecting your life.